Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Why I Rule. (Chapter 1, Verse 3)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Serendipity? Not exactly.
Okay, the music I put on the iPod might be a little misogynistic and - dare I say - emo? That's not the point I was trying to make.
Exactly two hours after this text message exchange, I received a MySpace message and friend request from...
wait for it...
my PROM DATE! It's important to mention here, that I haven't spoken - or communicated in any other way - with my prom date in (at least) fifteen years.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I can control people's minds from three thousand miles away.
What I AM saying is, I am in control of all aspects of the universe and it's goings-on at all times.
I have other powers, too. For example, I have the ability to sleep for as many as sixteen hours at a time. Will I use this power for good or evil? I haven't yet decided.
Now, I'm sure, dear reader of my blog, you have questions. Questions like, "Are those screenshots from your iPhone?" The answer is: Yes. By simultaneously pressing the "Sleep/Wake" button on top and the "Home" button on the front, I can use my R2 unit (i.e.: my iPhone) to take a screenshot. This comes in handy when you'd like to post private text message conversations and MySpace messages on the internet (the legality of which, by the way, we can discuss in a future blog. A blog tentatively titled "Man sued for posting private text message conversation on the internet").
You may also want to ask: "Do you really control everything, everywhere, all of the time?" The answer to that particular question is again: Yes.
Other questions however, can be asked by clicking the "Comments" link below. A response is almost guaranteed. That is, of course, if I'm not too busy robbing a bank - or making peace in the Middle East - by sleeping through another eight-hour shift.
Yeah. We superheroes/supervillains have a lot to do.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
August. I've officially asked for some time off to go meet up with
them, and I got a definite "maybe".
So I will definitely, maybe head up to Vegas early next month for some
family time in the hot desert sun, mixed with some debaucherous antics
and general weirdness under the night's buzzing neon.
I can hardly wait.
Monday, July 7, 2008
If The Butt Sex Doesn't Send Me To Hell, This Will
Sunday, July 6, 2008
No country for old hooters.
attractive hooters ever. I've never been to hooters before. Not so
But I'm glad they don't have shots cause I'd fall asleep mid film.
That would suck.
Jay was dancing around like a crazy man earlier, something he only
does when he's excited. Flash backs of the troubador come to mind.
Todd Snider and HST seem to do the trick.
[ed. note: Actually Posted by "The Hooded Warrior Can't Write For Shit"]
Lazy and beautiful Sunday.
ready to drive out to Pasadena to see "Gonzo", I've got text messages
rolling in from beautiful people across these United States, and for
the first time in months, I'm having a great day.
Now if I can only get Ryan out to see the movie, the education can
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
"...Shot from Peña... Oh! It's in the back of the net!"
decided a proactive stance needed to be taken on solving the dilemma.
With the help of an home depot employee who probably sounded like
Speedy Gonzalez' 2nd cousin, Ray went out and bought PVC piping, nets
and corners pieces. Only after first assembly did he realize the
genius behind his actions.
It should be said that I would never have felt any passion for "the
beautiful game" without Ray acting as a catalyst. Sure, video games
and Fox Soccer Channel, who is not paying for this endorsement, helped
paved the way, but only after someone else blazed the trail. I cannot
say I understood the game until this past year much less appreciated
it. I was always playing baseball or basketball as a kid, good old
"American" past times.
But now, in my 26th year, in hundred degree weather, on a gorgeous
SoCal morning, I find myself with twenty other guys playing a game
that I am not all that good at.
Ray posted an ad on craigslist that said something like:
Average Joes!!
Wanna play soccer without paying league fees, without wasting gas
looking for a pick up game, and without wondering if there will be
enough players?
Come join us saturday mornings at Van Nuys park and don't be
The first week the ad was up, a couple responses were received but no
one showed up. The glory of having goals is only so grand when you've
built as many goals as you have players.
By the next week though, the list had grown to the point of abundance.
I missed the next week due to illness, but heard an earful from the
participants at work. "it was so awesome! I can't wait for next week!"
wrote one of my coworkers.
Amidst all this, everyone at work had been transfixed on the European
Championship. Since there were matches on pratically every day in
June, our cravings to play had been egged on by seeing some of the
best players in the world go head to head. Spain came out in top, but
I was a bit torn. I've got both German and Spanish blood in my veins
so I would have been happy with either outcome.
This past weekend we met at the park and had a great game with about
20 other players from different backgrounds and ethnicities. It's odd
meeting guys with passion for the game that converse amongst
themselves in Swahili or Russian, but one can assume that it is a
testament to the diversity in both LA and in the game itself.
Most people work their 9-5 monotonous rat race jobs looking forward to
Fridays. But this game has become the focal point of my weekend, and
I'm sure this is true for others. Especially Mr. Peña.
Now if only I could get Jay out to one of these games...
[ed. note: Actually Posted by "The Hooded Warrior Can't Write For Shit"]
The Genius That Was Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Example (excerpt from Kingdom of Fear):
September 11, 2001
[Eighteen months before the U.S. invades Iraq]
The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now -- with somebody -- and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.
This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed -- for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and he, the goofy child-president, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now. He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won't hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Oregon Trail
Remember that game? You probably played it elementary school on an
old Apple computer. I work with a lot of nerds, so I said I could ask
Me: Hey Julian, you're a nerd. Do you know where I can find the
original Oregon Trail?
Nerd: Between Independence, Missouri and Willamette Valley, Oregon,
in the Western part of the United States.
Me: Thanks.
I guess I asked for that.
Me: Hey Anthony. I'm looking for the original "Oregon Trail"
computer game for a friend of mine.
Nerd #2: Does your friend like hideous, boring, and frustrating
things from the 70s?
Me: That's why she and I get along so well. Maybe she's feeling a
little nostalgic.
Nerd #2: Was she voted "Most Likely to Die of Dysentery" in high
school or something?
Frankly, these guy's aren't helping at all.
If you know where I can find it, leave a comment. Jamie thanks you.
I can't deal with people screaming at me. Seriously, it's not my
thing. I've got an aversion to emotional confrontation. Physical
confrontation, I love. But when people get all red in the face, I
just start shaking, trying so hard to resist that urge to throw a left
jab, followed by my overhand right. When I plant my left foot like
I'm supposed to, twist my hips and put my shoulder into it, that guy
standing in front of me buckles and falls like a house of cards. It's
a beautiful thing to see.
But according to company guidelines, I'm not allowed to deal with
customers in this manner. My job is to make them happy, not to see
how fast they buckle behind a right hook to the midsection.
And when they're standing in front of me on the sales floor,
SCREAMING, my job is to give them whatever they want.
Honestly though, I have to start using this train of thought in my
daily life. When that gallon of gas costs more than I'd like, I'm
just going to walk into the gas station, ask for the manager, and
start screaming like a special-needs man-child.
If he's been trained like I have, I'll be tooling around town on
Texaco's dime in no time.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Really? The sun? At this hour?
Good girlfriends and gay guys, sure.
But what really sucks is being awake long enough to watch the sun come
up when you're in dire straits with a draconian attendance policy. And
having to work at eleven AM on a Sunday. That, my friend, is not the
recipe for a good day waiting to to hurl itself upon you.
Anyhow, I've invited some other writers to this ramshackle abode I
call a blog, and I hope they agree. Because they're gifted and
creative people, to be sure, but also because I'm lazy. And I don't
post to this blog nearly as often as I should.
I should also take a moment to encourage you to check out RudeBoy's
pictures in the sidebar. That's some good shit. I was thinking about
getting myself a Flickr account until I saw his, and decided I'm not
what you'd call "A Photographer".
And if I'm not convinced I can do it better than anyone I know, I
won't do it anymore. That's why I stopped playing guitar when I met
It's a ridiculous neurosis, to be sure, but it exists, nonetheless.
If I wasn't afflicted, I'd have kids by now. I know some great
parents. I could never live up to my sisters, my brother, or my cousins
as a parent, so I stopped trying.
Anyway, I hope to have some new writers on board soon enough. I just
pray they don't write better than I do.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
More lunch thoughts.
I'm not really that hungry, I think. It may just be psychological,
though. I may subconsciously want to eat as little as possible so I
can drink myself into a coma tonight.
I did eat a lot last night, though. Ryan made some fantastic steak
concoction. I ate a ton of that, and promptly fell asleep for the next
fourteen hours.
In other (and possibly related) news, it's Eti's birthday right now. I
was going to send her something, but I don't really know how to send
things to the Middle East. And sending her something would surely make
her feel like she should call me, and as much as I want to hear her
voice, I don't feel like I'm in the right place (mentally) to take
that phone call right now.
I was talking to a coworker today, and she said, "You should do
something fun on your day off. What do you like to do that cheers you
I had no answer to that.
So I'll be up all night drinking red wine, wake up sometime tomorrow
evening, spend what's left of the day at my computer writing something
for my (as yet unpublished) website.
Plus, it's going to be a hundred and twelve degrees again tomorrow.
Who wants to go out and do anything in that kind of heat?
I hope the weather's a little more forgiving in Israel.
In fact, I hope a lot of things are.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Actual work being done? Ridiculous!
quite some time.
I'll tell you a little secret, I've been using this time to put
together a pretty kick-ass website. I'll let y'all know when it goes
live, and much of the stuff you'll have already read right here, but
there will certainly be a lot more. I'm slowly coming out of my
little funk, and I plan to come out of my corner swinging.
I've got a Mac and a brain, and I'm not afraid to use them. Not
anymore, anyway.
Stay tuned.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Haircuts make me happy.
cut, woo-hoo!"
I always feel so much better after a haircut. For me, it's a lot like
a lumbar adjustment, or an hour of intense therapy. It's a rebirth, of
sorts. It makes me feel like a new man. And afterward, I always need a
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ah yes, fumar.
God bless the Atlanta airport, and all the backwards people of the South.
Sent from my iPhone
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Sent from my iPhone