Tuesday, August 14, 2007

...but it's a dry heat.

I'm uncertain as to how one prepares for a baseball game. I think the Dodgers are playing the Texans, or something, so I want to be sure not to wear the visiting team's colors. After all, this is Los Angeles. If excessive film-watching as a child has taught me anything, it's that
colors - in L.A. - are important. Make a wrong wardrobe decision, a man's liable to get himself shot, or stabbed, or shanked in a steamy group shower.

Do they still have steamy group showers at the Dodger games? And who the hell are they playing again?

Maybe it's the Oilers. No. That doesn't sound right either.

I can't help but feel hideously unprepared for this.

It is, however, a hundred-three degrees right now. Probably too hot to go shanking people, I would think.

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