Friday, August 10, 2007

Well done, JP. Well done.

So we're out at Acapulco celebrating the fact that my good friend Ramiro (JP) Pena Jr. got himself a j-o-b. Apparently, he'll be working in Ryan's company, as a sort of IT administrator, or something. Whatever the hell he's doing, it sounds like a pretty sweet gig.

So Ryan, Ramiro and I decided to celebrate by going out to eat Mexican food, and drink Mexican drinks. I think that's what you're supposed to do when a Mexican gets a job, right? And Ryan helped him get the job.

He didn't even have to stand in front of the Home Depot or anything.

Anyway, that's pretty much the highlight of my day. I spent the majority of it drinking Irish coffee, and putting myself in a "social" mood.

To be honest, I probably should have spent my time doing some laundry, and getting a haircut - but a man's got to have priorities.

Congratulations, Ray. Make us proud.


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